Attleboro Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Available After Hours for Clients in Fall River

Have you been arrested and charged with drug trafficking? This is among the most serious criminal charges and carries severe penalties if you are convicted. Having skilled legal representation is imperative when you are facing serious criminal charges. The Law Office of James M. Caramanica, P.C. has more than 25 years of experience representing clients in criminal courts. Our Attleboro drug trafficking attorney represents clients in Fall River and neighboring communities.

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Conviction Has Severe Consequences

Prosecutors generally pursue convictions vigorously and seek the maximum sentence for drug trafficking charges. You may be facing many years in jail and a 5-year driver’s license suspension, even if you have never been convicted of a crime. The specific penalties depend on the type of drug you are accused of trafficking and weight of the drug.

Mandatory drug trafficking penalties in Massachusetts include:

  • Up to 15 years in jail for trafficking 200 grams or more of a Class A substance, such as heroin

  • Up to 15 years in jail for 200 grams or more of a Class B drug, such as cocaine

  • Up to 15 years in jail for 50 pounds or more of a Class D drug, such as marijuana

In addition to a long time in jail, you will be branded as a drug dealer and have a criminal record that follows you for the rest of your life, even after you are released. People with drug trafficking convictions often face hurdles when looking for employment or finding a place to live. For this reason, it is important to fight the charges. Our drug trafficking lawyer in Attleboro aggressively defends our clients’ rights throughout the entire legal process.


Fighting the Charges

We work to find the most effective defense strategy for the individual client. We know from decades of experience that drug sales charges are often elevated to trafficking to make an example out of a defendant and show the community that prosecutors are tough on drug crimes. Based on the circumstances of your arrest, we build a defense for your case and attack the evidence presented by the prosecution.

Time Is Of The Essence.

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